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Approaching to reuse used tires

One of the most representative reuse methods of used tires is retread. It is a previously worn tire which has gone through a remanufacturing process designed to extend its useful service life. They are also the most environmentally friendly way of recycling used tires. According to the Basic Law for Establishing the Recycling-based Society has been established in May 2000, 3R which are “Reduce” “Reuse” and “Recycle” was promoted. Therefore people were required to aim to reduce environment load and consumption of natural resources as much as we can with controlling waste occurrence, effective uses of recyclable resources, and securing appropriate disposal. Then, retread was certified as a particular procurement item by sustainable procurement in April 2002.
Approaching to thermal recycle

Thermal recycling as alternative fuel and auxiliary fuel has been promoted with making the most of tire’s features which is strong heat of combustion. Also as new application of heat combustion, we have been approaching to utilization of steel manufacturing and paper manufacturing.
Approaching to material recycling

As reusing rubber chips of used tires, it has been developing to make asphalt strong by blending rubber powder, and promoting the technological research in effective utilization on construction uses. It is said that material recycling would grow more rapidly in future.